Parents & Children

“Our children learn how to be self-compassionate by watching us.”
-Brene Brown

Common Parent Concerns


Behavioral Concerns

Educational/Schooling Concerns

Relationship Issues Between Children

Grandparents & Aunts/Uncles

Difficulty in Bonding with Children

Challenge in Sharing Moral Values

Friend/Social Issues/Peer Pressure

Lack of Trust and Understanding

Not Enough Time for All the Extra-Curriculars

Different Parenting Styles between Partners

Relationship with Adult Children

Anxiety in Children

Depression in Children

Adjustment to New Environment

Acting Out/Aggressive Behavior

Divorce/Blended Families

Arguments/Yelling Between Parents and Children

Stressful Points of the Day: Homework, Supper, Bedtime

Self Esteem

Too Much Phone/Device Use

Finding Time for Date Night

Elder Care/Caregiver Concerns

My Approach

Using evidence based methods, I approach the family experience in a holistic model.

Behavior symptoms, upset, lack of balance, mood, and many others common concerns affecting one or more family members, have an effect on the whole family unit. The parents, the children, and any other folks who also are part of family will benefit from positive changes implemented.

One child’s experience is not the other child’s experience, but it will have an effect on it.

Working with the symptoms/behaviors that are most urgent will be the initial focus, and I also work with you on the secondary issues that often come along with these initial issues.

My experience in this area allows me to quickly identify the issues that are most problematic in your life.

Working together, I will develop a custom plan that will work for you and your family’s specific concerns.

We will address your day to day life, and broader, longer-term issues.

It’s not too late to make a change. No matter how old your children are, or what stage of life they are in.

You can have a peaceful home, healthy balance, and meaningful connections with your children.

I will help you make effective, meaningful changes, so that you can see real, lasting results.  

Your Entire Family Will Benefit